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Tuesday 5 November 2013

Composition using Reason

Composition using Reason

I have been composing a piece of music using cubase and reason. i am doing thi sby combining the keyboard skills i have developed over the past few weeks,along with my improving knowledge of midi and inputting midi data.
i have recorded using two seperate instruments using reason (malstrome and kong) i did this using my keyboard skills. i then saved it as audio inputed it into cubase and used some effects including compressor, mono to stereo and a studio equaliser.

This is an example of my work:

later on im going to save it as audio put it back into reason and add more instruments such as a synthesiser and a piano.

After i finished doing work to my composition in cubase i then changed my mind and re-entered it back into reason. these are screenshots of my composition.

i added lots of of different synths and instruments including maelstrom, dr Octo rex, NN-XT, kong, and Thor. i then layered these multiple times and used different effects to create m composition. 
the main part of my song was this part.
I did not need to quantize this part because it is quite simple and was not hard so i didn't make a mistake.
my target for this session was to complete the second part of my composition, i accomplished this and included a second drum part which fades in and is accompanied by a synth and 2 NN-XT samplers.

I finished my composition that i did using reason and a midi keyboard it included 2 drum tracks several synthesisers and a few samplers. i also used the keyboard skills i learnt (including the keyboard exercises that i learnt to play in order to become better at playing keyboard and therefore i found it quite easy to play in the parts) to play in all of these parts and a melody. my song features a intro using automation, a chorus with a solo and a bridge that using differant parts and uses automation to fade in and out the drum tracks.
my song also features chords that i played in with a keyboard using a NN-XT sampler and a violin preset.

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